Sunday, January 5, 2020

Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace Are You Doing It Right

Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace Are You Doing It Right Most people can text, tweet, and fire off emails practically in their sleep. In fact, one in four people spend more time socializing online than in person.What does this mean for our in-person communication skills especially at work? Allen Webster, author of Applied Statistics for Business and Economics, says, Without communication and the team effort it permits, the successful completion of any important project can be jeopardized.Given the importance of interpersonal communication in the workplace and the rise of digital interactions its important to what kind of communicators your candidates are before you bring them aboard. Here are some personality types that all offices should keep an eye onThe Passive-Aggressive CommunicatorPassive-aggressiveness is easy to conceal and itsone of the most toxic personality traits in the wo rkplace. Everyday Health provides a list ofpassive-aggressive personality traitsa fear of authoritative figuresa tendency to beat around the busha tendencyto blame others for unreasonable situationsa tendency to tell managers what they want to hear, rather the truthand a tendency to complain about easily handled tasks.A passive-aggressive worker can be dishonest because its easier to lie or fib than it is to say whats really on their mind. This could lead tomissed deadlinesimproperly finished assignmentsavoidance ofresponsibilityand withholdingof important information.While passive-aggressive communicators are tricky to spot right away, its not impossible to do. If, during an interview, acandidate comes off as sarcastic, leaks negative gossip, and/or repetitively teases people, these could be signs that the candidate is passive-aggressive and bad for the workplace.The Chatty CathyListening skills are important so important, in fact, that somecompanies provide listening skills train ingto their employees.Listening skills are crucial for interpreting messages from coworkers, managers, and clients. When candidates dont stop to take a breath during the interview, take note this may be a sign that they can talk the talk, but they cant quite walk the walk the walk of listening, that is.Active listeners are valuable to offices. Mind Tools sayswe only remember 25-50 percent of what goes in and out of our ear canals. Those who dont listen actively mightskim over conversations and miss out on the important details that an avid listener would catch.The Aggressive OneSlow down there, buddy no need to raise your voice Aggressive communicators can sometimes be confused with assertive communicators. Here are some signs from writer Steve Adubato that yourcandidate might be an aggressive communicatorthey use a harsh, personal tonethey demonstrate poor listening skillsthey have a my way or the highway attitudethey frequently use accusatory speechand they struggle to admit fau lt.Aggressive communicators are easy to spot because they are so forward and seemingly frustrated. Being in tune with candidates tone and body language can help recruiters recognize aggressive communicatorsand avoid them.Assertive TypesThough assertiveness iscommonly mistaken foraggression, assertive communicators are the type of candidate you wanton the team. Here are the characteristics of what an assertive communicator looks likethey aim to achieve certain goalsthey are driventhey speak in a direct, concise mannerand they use a strong, confident voice.Assertive communicators tend to promotecustomer satisfaction they aremore likely to pay attention to what customers have to say, to ask customers torepeat questions to ensure they understand customer desires,and to respectfully represent the company brand with pride.Assertive employees are beneficial to theirsurrounding coworkers and team members as well, because they are more likely to communicate with team members, take action on assignments, and provide solid contributions to meetings and projects.Being in tune with your interviewees and paying attention to their speech and body languagecan decrease the chances of recruiting a bad egg with poorcommunication skills. Doing so will save recruiters time and money.